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Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to Become a Millionaire Using 3 Simple Strategies

Practically everyone wants to become a millionaire and live the American dream, but it's easier said than done. However, if you utilize these three strategies, you might be able to join the millionaire crowd by the time you retire.

How to become a millionaire using three simple strategiesBy now, you're probably wondering what you can do to become a millionaire and retire comfortably. As I see it, the solution could be as simple as employing three strategies that require nothing more than discipline and a commitment to learn some basic financial principl

10 Ways To Become a Millionaire by Age 30

It may seem like an impossible goal to be a millionaire at any stage of your life. However, that isn’t true. The earlier you start making smart financial decisions, the more likely you are destined to being a part of the millionaires club later in life. However, we are in an age where simply storing money away doesn’t garner more in the future. You have to employ a combination of methods that not only set aside money you contribute, but also compounds it with interest. Today, we will talk about ten ways you can grow your net worth for a more stable future.
If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake.”
– Bill Gates

Student Millionair

Set goals!

The wealth game is a long slog. Money doesn’t come easy. Before you embark on your millionaire challenge, it’s vital that you have a clear life plan.
You need to work out a feasible and realistic route to making your millions that draws on your past skills, experience and ambitions.
We’ll touch on setting income goals later on, but if you’re serious about this then you need to know how to achieve it not just dream it!

Start earning

To be wealthy you need to have income! Use any spare time you have (aside from studying and partying) to earn some cash. It’s a good idea to land a part-time job, but it can also pay off to be more creative.
Check out our quick ways to make money guide, or why not start-up a small business if you have something to offer?

Start saving

There’s no getting away from the fact that you will have student debt, but because you don’t have to pay it all back right away (if ever) it’s not like other debt (read about the repayments).
You may find that sometimes you do have a few quid to spare, especially when the loans come in.
BankGet into the habit of putting this into a savings account (easy access is best at this stage) and you’ll be surprised how much interest you can earn on it during your time at uni.
At the same time, remember to cut down on spending. Avoid having a car and think carefully before splashing out on big-ticket items if you don’t really need them.
You can become millionaire in just 30 days if you start with 1 penny and double it every day!h
Day 1: $.01
Day 2: $.02
Day 3: $.04
Day 4: $.08
Day 5: $.16
Day 6: $.32
Day 7: $.64
Day 8: $1.28
Day 9: $2.56
Day 10: $5.12
Day 11: $10.24
Day 12: $20.48
Day 13: $40.96
Day 14: $81.92
Day 15: $163.84
Day 16: $327.68
Day 17: $655.36
Day 18: $1,310.72
Day 19: $2,621.44
Day 20: $5,242.88
Day 21: $10,485.76
Day 22: $20,971.52
Day 23: $41,943.04
Day 24: $83,386.08
Day 25: $167,772.16
Day 26: $335,544.32
Day 27: $671,088.64
Day 28: $1,342,177.28
Day 29: $2,684,354.56
Day 30: $5,368,709.12
For me, my business life started very young at the age of 14, and yes, it is important for you to understand the full context of how I made my first million rather than just understand the generalized version. I was in my high school cafeteria when I saw a sign for “customer service reps” paying $12/hr plus commissions.  As a confused 14 year old with a working single mom and no green card to actually use to obtain normal fun employment at the mall or other retail institutions, it only made sense for me to inquire. This organization was small and required me to make cold calls to local residences to sell roofing, siding, and kitchen remodeling. It was ultimately a telemarketing job, and since the company was small, a school work permit was enough to get me in the door. As a 14 year old, it only made sense for me to do a good job as I saw the value of employment since it was so difficult for me to obtain work elsewhere. I worked hard and actually made all the calls I was supposed to rather than waste a lot of time in between calls. As a result of my 3 hours a day work schedule and my tenacity making calls, what started as $12/hr ended up being $1500 a month in commissions and eventually $1000 a week. Making about $45,000 annually at the age of 15 is quite an accomplishment and one that can either get to your head or one that can help build a strong foundation.  I decided to save most of my money and continued to grow in the same organization to eventually reach a director level position by the age of 18 earning right under $75,000/yr.  I managed to save roughly $60,000 by the age of 18, and even though I could have saved more, I had always wanted a nice car and so I had gone through a new Trans Am, Mustang, and Camaro SS by that age, and so I only had $60,000 in my savings.
While you may be looking to make your first million off of your business alone, the fact of the matter is that becoming a millionaire does not just come about by raking in profits from your business. It arises from the decisions that you make in your day-to-day life as well. There are more millionaires than ever nowadays, and it's not because the financial market is good; in fact, it is pretty common knowledge that the economy has definitely seen better days, and the people able to find success in it know how to act accordingly. To become the next millionaire, you will need to blend business practices with responsible financial decisions in order to both maximize profits and squirrel away some cash for the winter. Even though this is easier said than done, the things that you have to do to become the next millionaire are theoretically fairly easy.

Buy The Things That You Need

Even though one of the reasons people strive to become millionaires is to be able to afford the things that they want to do, living in a house far too big for your needs or shelling out on a vehicle more luxurious than you require is going to set you back in your goals.

Spend Less Than You Earn

This is saving money and accruing wealth 101, but even old advice can be good advice, and such is the case with this.

Make Sure That You Can Pay Off the Things That You Buy

And the quicker you can pay them off, the better! This will enable you to search for a job that you love and will therefore be more conducive to putting you closer to your goals.

Exercising Patience

It may be really tempting to up your quality of living or your lifestyle expectations as you begin accruing more money and assets to make you into a millionaire, but you will not reach your goal by taking some out of the pot.

Utilize Automatic Paycheck Deductions

You cannot spend what you do not have, so having these set up with your bank is going to help you save money better than many other tactics will.

Pay Off Your Credit Cards Every Month

Having a good credit score is always a strong financial situation to be in, but making sure that you can afford what you are spending is even better when you are trying to become a millionaire.

Use Time to Your Advantage

The quicker you start saving, the better. If you begin saving in your twenties or thirties, you will be able to take advantage of compounding interest and put yourself in a better position without having to do much extra work.

Realize That Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

When you are working for a wholesome goal instead of a ploy to satisfy material urges, your goals will come to you faster and easier.

Realize That 'Life Happens'

Having a bit of money on the side separate from your millionaire fund will keep you on a steady track toward that goal; after all, you never know when a financial emergency will rear its ugly head.

Focus on Being Debt Free

Even if you have income coming in every month, if you have any sort of debt, you need to be deducting that from your gain--if it comes out negative, you are not financially free, and will not be able to achieve your millionaire dreams yet. In order to be the next millionaire, you have to make sure that your debts are all paid.

Work Hard And Diligently

If you keep putting in the effort, it will be easier to make amends after a financial mishap.

Get a Second Job

Not only will it add to your savings that much faster, but also if you stay busy you will have no time to spend the money that you are trying to save.

Don't Be Afraid to Have a Big Vision

Most modest savings plans do not end up panning out as the people who made them would have liked. Having a vision larger than what you can currently deliver will actually be the best way to ensure that you meet your goal.

Have Good Money Management Skills

Keep up to date on what you need to know to manage your money, and realize that without good management, it will never grow or mature into what you would like it to be.

Do What You Enjoy

Working in a field you enjoy will be one of the fastest routes to financial freedom and success, as you will spend more time at work and excel at it, putting you in a better position for promotions and pay increases.

Pay Yourself First

This will keep you satisfied and will help you achieve financial success with your goals.

Go Out And Find Your Money

Simply saving and hoping that it will come to you will never be good enough. You will only receive what you earn.

Invest in Yourself

Without furthering your education or professional development, there will be nothing to set you apart from others, and no reason for your employer to aid you in your goals.

Invest in Property When You Do Buy Assets

Having property on hand is always going to be a good asset, as there are always buyers for property and property values are beginning to climb again, healing from the collapse in 2008.

Realize That There Is More Than One Way to Approach a Problem

Being versatile will lead you quickest to the solutions for your problems.
There's certainly no surefire way to becoming a millionaire. After all, if there was, everyone would be making millions. However, if you manage to blend the right business practices with solid personal finance skills, there's no telling where you'll end up. Follow these 20 guidelines, and you, too, can become the next millionaire.
You might earn $1 million a year or more, or you might receive a big inheritance one day -- maybe. Even if not, you can still build a sizeable amount of wealth. It’ll just take more time. Here are some tips to help you get there.


You might earn $1 million a year or more, or you might receive a big inheritance one day -- maybe. Even if not, you can still build a sizeable amount of wealth. It’ll just take more time. Here are some tips to help you get there.
The first step is to stop senseless spending. Did you really need that $500 soap dish? Buy what you need, but buy in moderation. Set a budget that puts aside something for savings.
The second step is to fund retirement plans. For many, saving for retirement is an afterthought. But starting retirement savings early in life means smaller contributions are required to eventually hit your monetary goal. Time is the key element. Even higher contributions later in life won’t make up for lost time.
The next step is to improve tax awareness. Learn what deductions are available so you don’t miss out. Sometimes, hiring a tax pro can save you money.
Step four is owning your home. Renting is not good in the long-term, because it does not offer the chance to build equity, and you lose out on a prime tax deduction.
Fifth, avoid new luxury wheels. Cars depreciate quickly, about 15-to-20 percent a year. Buy something dependable with low monthly payments, instead.
Step six, don’t sell yourself short. Always watch for opportunities to advance your career. Sometimes staying too long with one job doesn’t pay off.
And seven, don’t rely on luck. Chances are, you won’t win the lottery. The surest path to $1 million is to save. Start early, spend wisely, and be diligent.